
“To empower HIV-positive people to build positive relationships, improve self-esteem, and build on life skills through peer mentorship, creating friendships and structured activities—ultimately leading to improved clinical and mental health outcomes, as well as a healthy life.”


You’ve found the website for the Tokyo HIV Peer Support. We are a small group run solely by volunteers.

Living in Japan as a Gaijin is often a fantastic and enriching experience and at the same time, for people living with HIV it can also be very isolating.

Tokyo peer support grew from a need for peer support programs in English.

We offer peer support for any person living with HIV.

We work with Japanese HIV support Organisation Place Tokyo, to facilitiate ongoing peer connections and workshops where you can get together with other people in the same boat as you. People who understand.

We operate in a safe, considerate and 100% confidential setting to discuss whats on your mind, ask questions and make new friends.

We even get together purely to say hello and catch up.

If you’d like to connect go to our contact page and fill in the boxes.


  1. Yoko · May 13, 2016

    I just found I am HIV positive… How can I make friends who can understand living with HIV …?


    • swwa · May 17, 2016

      Hi Yoko – first things first – you’re going to be ok. Send us an email and we can talk more.


  2. Michael Grimes · October 11, 2017

    I’d like to connect to someone but don’t see an email, could you please get in touch.


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